Dubrovnik INSPIRE Hackathon 2020 – Final workshop

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Dubrovnik INSPIRE Hackathon 2020 – Final workshop

Title Dubrovnik INSPIRE Hackathon 2020 – Final workshop
Description The results form the three citizen-science challenges organised by WeObserve, were presented in the INSPIRE conference. More specifically, a final online workshop took place on June 11th where the activities and results from all the hackathon challenges were showcased. One of the citizen-science challenges (Challenge 7) was awarded the second prize! The presentation from the final workshop are also available here.
Author(s) Valantis Tsiakos (ICCS), Michal Kepka (UWB),  Georgiana Bere & Lea Manousakis (DATOPIAN), Joao Andrare & Koushik Panda (DEIMOS ), Andreas Matheus (Secure Dimensions)
Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl7cuZaSFnY
Language English
Keywords Hackathon; INSPIRE; citizen-science challenges
Audience Technical audience, including IT administrators, software engineers, solutions providers and product managers that want to be engaged with novel approaches that leverage open APIs, OGC standards and IoT paradigms for in-situ and citizen-sourced environmental monitoring and authentication systems; Providers of citizen-science data, data providers who’d like to expand their reach and visibility in the GEOSS community; Citizen Observatories practitioners.
Resource-Type  Moving Image (Video)
Resource Theme Reflections on science
Publisher INSPIRE EU
Publication date 16 June 2020
License Open Access
Resource identifier
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