Roadmap for the uptake of the Citizen Observatories’ knowledge base

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Roadmap for the uptake of the Citizen Observatories’ knowledge base

Title Roadmap for the uptake of the Citizen Observatories’ knowledge base
Description WeObserve brought together several Citizen Observatory projects to share and consolidate knowledge and identify best practices. Many of the insights gained have been synthesised into this detailed research and innovation roadmap for future Citizen Observatories, outlining focus areas, dedicated pathways and proposed actions in each of them. The aim of this roadmap is to outline a dynamic landscape and provide actionable pathways to further advance Citizen Observatories’ capabilities and impacts in the future. It is targeted at Citizen Observatory practitioners (research institutions, civil society organisations, public authorities and others) for conceptualising and directing key aspects of future Citizen Observatories; at national funding agencies of EU member states to identify potential scenarios for funding Citizen Observatories nationally; as well as for the European Commission as a consultation document for shaping Horizon Europe programme funding calls.
Author(s) Gold, Margaret (ECSA); Wehn, Uta; Bilbao, Ane (IHE Delft); Hager, Gerid (IIASA)
Language English
Keywords Citizen Observatories; Citizen Science; roadmap
Audience Citizen Observatories actors; Citizens and local communities (those that are already engaged or are interested in setting up a CO); NGOs and activists (civil society); Policy makers – at the local, national and international (EU) level; Research/academia; Similar projects at local and EU level; Networks (e.g. ECSA and COST Action)
Resource-Type Project Deliverable – Text
Resource Theme Reflections on science
Publisher H2020 WeObserve project, Grant Agreement no 776740
Publication date 30 March 2021
License Open Access
Resource identifier 10.5281/zenodo.4646774
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