2nd WeObserve Roadshow event

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2nd WeObserve Roadshow event

Title 2nd WeObserve Roadshow event
Description During the Barcelona Roadshow event, the specific situation of the Tordera river during and after storm Gloria was considered to demonstrate the potential and practical implementation of a citizen observatory for flood risk management.
Author(s) IHE Delft
Source https://www.weobserve.eu/event/roadshow-event-test-barcelona/
Language English
Keywords Citizen Observatories; flood risk management
Audience Local authorities, emergency managers, civil protection officers; regional and national policy makers; civil protection volunteer teams
Resource-Type  Interactive Resource (Website)
Resource Theme Communication | Event
Publisher H2020 WeObserve (GA 776740)
Publication date 16 October 2020
License Open Access
Resource identifier N/A
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