WeObserve toolkits for building champion communities II

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WeObserve toolkits for building champion communities II


Title WeObserve toolkits for building champion communities II
Description This project report builds on the work presented in D3.1 WeObserve Toolkits for building champion communities I. D3.1 presented the rationale, method, findings and analysis of a Citizen Observatories toolkit survey. This is the second part of activity in the development to establish toolkits which can be leveraged as part of the WeObserve consortium. The conclusion of this document presents the ongoing preparation of online resources and the release of three toolkits, which leverage the tools created and developed within the consortium. Furthermore, it provides a summary of the tools developed by H2020 COs including i) how the process for developing and refining these categories took place ii) how the tools are represented on the website iii) ongoing preparation and future plans for uptake and sustainability, including promotion during the life of the project. and after the end of the project.
The aim is to position the WeObserve Toolkit for Champion Communities as a set of tested and validated tools that are developed, validated and accessible. The toolkit will allow replication and scaling and cover the four tool gaps reported by COs: 1) Category 1: Co-designing your observatory 2) Category 2: Training and data capture for environmental monitoring 3) Category 3: Data quality and visualisation 4) Category 4: Evaluation and advocacy

An online version of the Toolkit on the WeObserve website.

Author(s) Raquel Ajates, Mel Woods
Source https://www.weobserve.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/D3.3-776740-WeObserve-WeObserve-Toolkits-for-Building-Champion-Communities-II.pdf
Language English
Keywords Citizen Observatories; toolkit; co-design; data collection; data quality; evaluation
Audience Citizens and local communities (those that are already engaged or are interested in setting up a CO); NGOs and activists (civil society); Policy makers – at the local, national and international (EU) level; Research/academia; Similar projects at local and EU level; Networks (e.g. ECSA and COST Action)
Resource-Type Project Deliverable – Text
Resource Theme Reflections on science
Publisher UNIVDUN | H2020 WeObserve project, Grant Agreement no 776740
Publication date 28 February 2020
License Open Access
Resource identifier
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