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UN World Data Forum 2020
19 October 2020 - 21 October 2020
A UN World Data Forum will be held virtually on 19–21 October 2020. The forum is designed to bring together representatives, users and producers, from various sectors working with data to support the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). WeObserve participates in the Forum, aiming to demonstrate examples and methods of monitoring SDGs through citizen-science enabled frameworks and Citizen Observatories.
- Integrating Citizen Science into the Official SDG Monitoring Mechanisms and A Proposal to Use Unofficial Statistics for SDG Reporting (to Deal with Crises) – October 19: WeObserve shared experiences with respect to the activities of the “Citizen Observatories and SDGs Community of Practice” while also discussing key aspects on the combination of citizen-generated data with conventional data sources and mechanisms for SDG monitoring and reporting.
- Tools to enable UN Member States at national and local level to use Earth observations to help deliver SDG 11 and the New Urban Agenda – (pre-recorded session): WeObserve partners participated in the discussion around the contributions of citizen science data in support of Goal 11 and the New Urban Agenda (NUA). Additionally, examples of relevant applications were presented, such as the CityOases project; a partnership between city of Vienna and IIASA that aims to improve the database of open urban spaces and identify people’s perceptions about them, helping inform indicator 11.7.1 (open public space in cities).
The detailed programme is available here.